How To Get Rid Of Squirrels

Squirrels are very fun-loving creatures and if they became extinct we would definitely miss them a lot. They are adorable but sadly they can become a nuisance if they get indoors. They get into attics to eat food and sometimes they end up getting stuck in windows and chimneys.

Let’s look at a few ways by which we can keep squirrels out of our houses.


Feed them

The best way to get rid of squirrels indoors is to buy preventing it after all prevention is better than cure. Instead of simply driving them away you can feed them outdoors so they don’t have a reason to come indoors. Buy a feeder or scatter food around your yard and make sure it is far from the bird feeder. Squirrels will have hearty meals and won’t have a reason to barge into your house on a full stomach. If you are wondering how to get rid of squirrels these simple steps keep the squirrels away from both your house and garden.

Clear your attic of all food

If you are wondering how to get rid of squirrels but don’t know why they come into your attic you should have a look and find anything that they might find appealing. Clear out anything squirrels might eat from your attic.

Keep all food in the house on shelves well out of reach of the squirrels so they cannot just come into your house for a snack whenever they want.

Trim branches near roofs

If you have branches close to the roofs you should trim them as squirrels can easily jump into your roof from them and get in through the chimney. Also, place a guard in your chimney to prevent squirrels from getting in. The guards are made of stainless steel meshes so there is no need to remove them while using your chimney.


Escape routes

Alternatively, make sure you prepare escape routes at locations where squirrels can get in. A lot of times squirrels get into various places from where they cannot get out. If a squirrel gets in through a window place some squirrel food to lure it to the window and carefully let it escape.

Buy live traps    

Live traps are easily available in garden stores. They cause absolutely no harm to the squirrels and can be placed safely in all corners of your house. Place them in key places like the attic and kitchen and whenever a squirrel is caught make sure you safely carry it outside and release. By no means whatsoever should you harm them as their lives are as valuable as our own? Make sure they suffer no health hazards or injuries.

If squirrel problems in your house are absolutely out of hand and you get swarmed by them day in and day out just calls animal control and they will take care of it. Now that you know the steps to keep squirrels from causing a nuisance indoors here are some don’ts that you should follow:

Do not use powder repellent or flashing lights as they do not work and may cause health hazards to the squirrels.

Do not use poison. Harming any form of life is uncalled for – killing is never a solution. Do not ever indulge in such practices. Use natural repellents that are safe and made of natural ingredients. Further, using poison only causes a smell to linger for weeks and it is not a pretty sight for kids and adults alike to see dead animals in the house.

Now that you know How To Get Rid Of Squirrels indoors your house will be nuisance free and you can peacefully do chores and do anything without being bothered by our little neighborhood friends who can be a little mischievous. Make sure whatever you do you do with precaution to prevent any sort of injuries to yourself or the squirrels. If things go out of hand animal control can always clear things out for you or alternatively you can seek Pest Control Berwick professional advice depending on the situation.

Read More: - Tips to Prevent Squirrel Attacks