Ants: A Nuisance Best Handled By Professionals

Ants need food and water and they will make their way through the tiniest gaps in any structure to fulfill their needs. No matter where you live, how well your house might be constructed, how rich or poor you are or whether your neighborhood is an elite gated community or an impoverished slum, your dwelling is at risk of an ant invasion.


Your challenge is to keep the ants outside and get rid of ants outdoors rather than having to confront them in your house where controlling them becomes much more difficult. Hundreds of thousands of Australians spend millions of dollars every year on do-it-yourself ant control products only to end up frustrated. Finally, those who are committed to winning the pest control battle realize that they probably would have spent less time, money and effort if they had hired a pest control professional, to begin with.

There are two insecticide/termiticides products that represent the most technologically advanced products available;

Phantom used for inside application and Termidor for outdoor applications, typically around the foundation of your house.

Both products can only be applied by licensed pest professionals who are specifically trained in the proper use of these insecticides. Both are undetectable. When ants pass through the treated areas they pick up some of the insecticides and pass it on to other ants. Within about a week an entire colony of ants can be controlled with these products. So, rather than spending a small fortune in a futile attempt to thwart the ant invasion yourself, you are probably better off looking for a registered Ant Control Brisbane professional or exterminator.


It used to be that the sight of an exterminator’s truck outside sent up a red flag throughout the neighborhood. "That house must be infested" or "those must be ‘dirty’ people." Such thought has gone by the wayside as more and more responsible homeowners have come to realize that do-it-yourself is no match for an invading army of ants. Professional pest control personnel have the right equipment and tools to win the battle in the most cost-effective, time-efficient manner possible.

There are things you can do to minimize the threat of an ant invasion. Remember, ants need food and water and they need to find a way into your home. Don’t give them away into the house. Seal any cracks or openings in the foundation. Seal the joints around doors and windows. Be particularly mindful of the openings, small as they might be, around your garage doors for several reasons.  First, the garage door goes all the way down to ground level (where the ants live). Second, garage doors do not seal particularly well leaving small gaps and openings that look like an invitation to an invasion to an ant.  And third, many people store their garbage and recycle containers in the garage (a source of food and moisture for the ants). Finally, trim the shrubs and trees that touch the house so they no longer provide a highway into your home for the invading hoards.