Getting Rid of Fleas in the Home

If you have maybe noticed your cat or dog scratching or twitching whilst awake (or asleep) more often than usual, I think that you might be wise to give them a once over in case they have some unwanted tiny visitors. The last thing that you want is to find yourself getting rid of fleas in the home which is what can end up happening if you do not nip the problem in the bud really quickly.


Although it is not the nicest of things to

  1. Have to think about
  2. Deal with, it kind of goes with the territory of being a pet owner.

It really does not have anything to do with a lack of hygiene or cleanliness in the short term. The bottom line is that fleas love warm blood to feast on and so that makes your cat or dog (or even you) a prime target for a meal, unfortunately.

The first signs that you may notice that you even have a problem (extra itching and scratching of your pets aside) are the appearance of small, hard red itchy spots on your own body. You will not necessarily feel these bites as it is the body’s reaction to it that causes the irritation on your skin. Depending on how sensitively you react it may be nothing more than a minor inconvenience to you.


The important thing to remember here is that nuisance factor aside these horrible jumping pests are in fact a parasite and are very capable of causing medical problems and can transmit a number of unpleasant illnesses. Therefore it is pretty imperative that you get rid of them as soon as you can after realizing that you have these unwelcome visitors.

One of the biggest problems with them is that they really can be quite resilient. Trying to eradicate them if you do not tackle it properly can be a bit of a challenge which is why it is so important to be very thorough once you start out on your mission to destroy them.

You will find that just vacuuming alone is not enough; you still need to treat your pets, their bedding, and your house. If you do not do this you can find a reoccurrence of the problem due to the flea life cycle.


They have a very good survival mechanism that allows them to remain in limbo for a while without expending energy, so they can lie dormant. Once food becomes available they will then literally spring into life, which is not pleasant.

So, armed with the right information and the correct weapons of attack, you can wage war and make your job of getting rid of fleas in the house and on any of your pets really simple indeed. With a bit of patience, they will be waving the white flags of surrender and their assault on your life will be over very quickly, no problems.

For more info about fleas, call Brisbane Flea Control professionals.