Wasp Nest Removal During Winter Season

Having wasps on your home and property is very dangerous especially if you have children and pets. Wasps are very aggressive creatures. If they feel that you will destroy their homes or that you are somehow a threat or competition, you are sure to get a beating from them. A wasp sting is very painful that it can induce fever, can bring up too much discomfort on the victim, and may even cause serious poisoning and allergies. While people tend not to notice wasps’ existence over their properties, nests are observable throughout the entire suburban areas in Australia. Because when an area is commercialized into a village or subdivision, Mother Nature still makes sure that other sentient beings retain their place in that area; Wasps and other insects included.



How to spot a wasp nest, you ask? The first triggering factor to know is when you see the presence of wasps in your area. The presence of an individual wasp is already an indicator that there is a wasp nest within your vicinity. Wasps are not long flyers; they insist on flying and hunting for food that is near to their nest. Wasps fly slowly, and at a steady pace. When closely observed, a group of wasps can be seen hovering either above their nest or around a bush; this indicates that you can spot a nest near that area.

They would actually sting you if you get too near to one, regardless of your intentions.

The Wasp Nest

This is the lair, where the wasps keep the food that they have hunted for. This is also where you can see the queen wasp, where she lays eggs. A wasp nest is like a wasp nursery; this is where all the wasps are born.

A wasp nest looks like a small honeycomb but it has a less appealing color. It has dull gray to cement-gray color and has a sandy texture. It doesn’t smell like anything (because it would be too risky to put your nose near a nest). When you touch it, it either falls into its sandy texture or falls down into big pieces, exposing the myriad tunnels and honeycombs inside the nest.


Wasps in the winter

During spring, wasps tend to be active and aggressive. This is because it is their mating season; a group of wasps tends to find a queen, and a queen manufactures their babies in order for the whole colony to grow. However, by fall, the colony decrease in member number, due to predation and sometimes, incidental death. By winter, these creatures become dormant. Because of the cold weather, they rarely fly out.

During this time, if the colony was not able to find a new queen to replace their old one, it will die. Because it cannot produce any more wasps, the decrease in number can totally eradicate the whole colony, leaving the nest empty.

Wasp Nest Removal

Wasp nest removal is not very easy for beginners. It poses potential danger just by going near the wasps or the wasp nest, mainly because they sting for no reason at all.

During summer, spring, and fall, wasps tend to be busy and aggressive. They can be seen flying or hovering near their nests. By locating the nest, you are saving your time and effort (and assumedly fewer stings).

But during the winter season, it gets easier. Wasps become dormant because of the cold weather, so going near a nest becomes easy. No wasp will bother to sting you or waste their energy on you because the freezing cold makes them spend more energy than needed.


Ways to Remove a Wasp Nest

There are natural methods that you can use to remove wasp nests. And also there are modern and more ‘poisonous’ – that is, for the wasps – ways to destroy the nest and kill the wasps.

However, one must be first armed before fighting the ‘area’ battle between the wasps. Before removing the nest, make sure that children and your pets are safely far from the area, so if the wasps get aggressive, they will only be concentrating on you.

You should also wear thick clothing, a facial mask and even perhaps a pair of gloves and a good pair of boots. Always remember to get fully covered; leather is one of the most valued items for clothing in wasp removal.

Because it is winter, you can remove the nests anytime.

One of the ways to remove a nest is to use a cloth bag. Cover the wasp nest with the cloth bag with awareness. When the nest is properly inside the bag, seal its open end and remove the nest. Tie a rock or any heavy objects to the cloth and then submerge in a bucket of water. You can also put it in your freezer for a few days to make sure all the wasps are killed; this is very effective for hanging nests.


Kerosene and gasoline can be used to start a fire to remove the nest. But, simply spraying the nests with fuel can actually kill the wasps inside it, or at least make them evacuate. After you observe that there is no wasp lingering above the nest, you can remove it with a shovel and throw it away.

Soak a wasp nest in soap solution by spraying it. They tend to evacuate a wet nest, so make sure to soak every part of it.

Chemicals such as insecticides are readily available in markets today. Because they are already sold cheap and can be used without a professional guide, it becomes one of the most used methods. However, one should take note that wasps can get immune to certain chemicals. Before using any product to get rid of wasps, talk to Bee and Wasp Control Brisbane professionals.

Read More: - Tips for Wasp Nest Removal