Learn What Are Bed Bugs and How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

What Are Bed Bugs?

They are small parasite type, bloodsucking insects.  Some of these insects prefer to feast on human blood while they are sleeping as opposed to other animals.

The bed bug is able to pierce the skin of a sleeping human with feeding tubes.  Although they normally prefer to feed ever 5 days or so, some have been known to survive up to a year without food.

The scary thing is that some of these bed bugs that are being found in urban areas have built up a tolerance to pesticides and conventional methods used to eradicate the nuisances.

When one understands that there is an infestation, you have to know how to get rid of bed bugs, because these little critters can cause an enormous amount of stress, itching and sleepless nights.

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Bed Bugs – They Are Coming Back

Bed bugs are alive and well and biting in Adelaide. It is a myth that you only find bed bugs in dirty homes. Bed bugs don’t eat dirt – they feast on human blood and are quite happy wherever there is a supply to be found.

It is thought that the rise in bed bugs is caused by the increase in travel and hotel stays. As people have traveled from one country and hotel to another, bed bugs have traveled with them. Nestling in the clothes that they first made contact with. So as you open your luggage they have made their new house in your nice clean bed.

Bed bugs are flat in shape and very shy creatures, so they nestle in cracks and crevices and are hard to find. They are quite large for bugs, about 4mm so it is easy to see them with the naked eye if they stay out at any time. You can also see their 'fecal pellets' which are dark red blood stains, on your bedding.

You know if you have been bitten by a bed bug if you come up in small, red, itchy welts. Apart from the obvious discomfort, there is no reason to panic as they are not known to spread diseases although scratching a welt can introduce dirt and disease into your body.

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Old wives’ tales say that you can spray and steam them into surrender – but all that happens is that they hide from you. They hide under the mattress, in bedding, in flakey walls or even cracks in the furniture.

Getting rid of bed bugs in Adelaide is always a job for the professional Adelaide Bedbugs Control. They will come into your house or hotel and spray, steam, launder and vacuum to get rid of them. They will also spray and seal areas where the bed bugs will hide.

A professional pest controller will know how to get rid of your bed bugs, harmlessly to your family and guests as well as being very discrete. They have done this hundred of times before – because bed bugs really are coming back!