Steps to Follow for Ideal Dust Mite Control

With the following dust mite removal tips you might be able to reduce the number of mites in your home, but you can never truly eliminate them:

  • Reduce the level of humidity in your house. Check the house for damp areas or for mold.
  • Use special dust mite covers on beds, sofas and chairs and use fabrics in the home that are easy to clean.
  • Use special dust mite filters for your vacuum and clean the home regularly.
  • Consider replacing your rugs and carpets with easy to clean non-fabric flooring.
  • Consider using benzyl benzoate or dust mite spray to reduce levels of dust mites in the home but get plenty of advice before you use this and make sure that children with allergies are not around when your home is being treated.



The Procedure for eliminating dust from the environment

The following procedures can be used to actively eliminate dust and dust mites from your surroundings:

  • Use air purifiers around the home.
  • Vacuum every room every day.
  • Install flooring that can be mopped.
  • Remove any hair shed by pets right away.

Products Used in Controlling Dust Mites

Each of the following products alone or when used together can help to lessen dust mite populations.

Stand-Alone Dehumidifiers

A dehumidifier helps to eliminate the conditions in which dust mites thrive. If the air that the mites live in is dry, fewer mites will be able to exist in your home. Make sure not to lower the humidity too far. Children and adults with respiratory problems will have trouble breathing if the air in the home is too dry.

HEPA-filter Vacuum Cleaner

With a HEPA filter in your vacuum cleaner, any dust and dust mites that are sucked up by the vacuum will not be sent back into the home by the vacuum cleaner. This type of vacuum cleaner is sealed airtight and will not re-release any microscopic creatures back into the air. 

Washable Toys

Make sure that any toys and play rugs in the home are washable. Plastic toys are the best but soft toys need to be washed, ideally, once a week in hot water. Consider using anti-allergic detergents to get rid of dust mites from your mattress

Is there Scientific Evidence that Dust Mite Avoidance Works?

Evidence shows that avoiding and minimizing the number of dust mites in the home helps to lessen the symptoms of allergies and asthma significantly. Dust mites cause nasal irritation and even congestion. Tests have shown that people with allergies do better in mite-free environments. If you suffer from a dust mite allergy, dust mite control is of the utmost importance. For dust mite control, get in touch with a Pest Control Melbourne Company now!!!