The Dangers of Wasps and Guide To Wasp Control

Many people consider that being stung by a wasp is the similar as being stung by a bee but there is a lot difference. In addition there are diverse types of wasps and knowing the difference can aid an exterminator in using the right chemical solutions to rid an area of nests. It is also important in receiving the proper medical treatment should you have a bad reaction to a sting. Learn as much as you can regard these flying insects in order to know what dangers they hold to humans.

Common Species of Wasps



It is easy to tell the difference between a bee and a wasp. Vespidae wasps that reside in the Americas have long, thin bodies that are pinched at the waist and have a shiny black coat. These are common characteristics among this wasp family but the colored markings distinguish the type. The paper wasp has orange legs and wings with orange-yellow rings on the tail. A yellow jacket has a bright, almost solid orange tail and orange legs. The bald-faced hornet is all black with a light yellow tip on its tail and front yellow legs. While the nesting sites of these three are made in the same, their behavior is quite different.

Aggressive Behavior of Wasps

The family of Vespid wasps all has one motive in common to protect the Queen and their house. If you come too close to a nest, you will be warned. The paper wasp is the least combatant with tiny nests that are no larger than your thumb. The yellow jackets have a larger, umbrella-shaped hive that holds over 100 members and they will join together when danger approaches. The bald-faced hornet is the most malicious with a sting that can penetrate protective clothing. Trees and shrubs are their preferred building site and their large home resembles a large cone.

Bugs are the diet of wasps but they will look for sugar as fall approaches. They also do not have stingers that are left in the skin but are capable of stinging over and over again. This can be a real danger if you find yourself trapped close to a nest. Nests can be in plain sight or buried inside walls. Because of the repeated stings that can occur, knowing the type of wasp you are dealing with is essential. An experienced Pest controller wants to perform the job right the first time to prevent any recurrence stings that can be dangerous.

Guide To Wasp Control



Wasps are flying insects of the family Hymenoptera and technically consist of a very large variety of insects. Commonly, the term Wasp is used to describe pests such as Yellow Jackets. While many people fear wasps and their sting, they can actually be beneficial as they attack many species of pests known to destroy crops. Wasps are common in many parts of the world and are very versatile nest makers. If you own a home, you might was to consider learning how to get rid of wasps on your own.

There are generally two types of wasps, solitary and social. You may come in contact with a solitary wasp from time to time but social wasps are known for making nests. These nests, if left unchecked, can grow to accommodate thousands of wasps, so it’s important to take measures towards wasp control before the problem gets out of hand. Wasps will make nests anywhere they can, but some of the common locations are under roof overhangs, behind siding and window shutters and even in cracks in wood. Wasps require lots of water and will often be attracted to pools, birdbaths and fountains.

If you have these pests on your property, then your first step in wasp control should be locating the nest. Most wasps won’t bother you if they don’t feel threatened so stay at least ten feet away and just observe them. A few minutes of observation should reveal the position of the nest and you can begin considering the best method of wasp control for your particular problem. Many Best Pest Control Melbourne companies offer wasp control but you can save a lot of money by doing it yourself.

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There are many wasp control products available on the internet including pesticide systems and professional bee suits. If you have children or pets, you may be worried about using pesticides but some are natural and totally harmless. One of the most effective insecticides used in wasp control is Pyrethrum which is a natural compound extracted from common plants. It is safe even for use around food and the Department of Agriculture has declared it as potentially the safest insecticide available.

You should always focus the use of your wasp control products on the nest, which can be discovered through simple observation. Wasps can be aggressive and their stings can be painful so it's important to take steps towards wasp control as soon as possible. You may be tempted to hire an exterminator but you can save a lot of money by doing it yourself using a professional grade wasp spray.