Flat Rate Electricity Tariffs vs Time of Use; Which One is more Beneficial?

Solar panels are being used around the world in a large number and almost every single house has them installed. Despite the fact that the installation cost is more, the subsidies provided by the government are making it easy for everyone just because it’ll lessen the burden on the national grid. However, it’s up to you now to decide whether or not you should use it more. The reason is that the demand for electricity isn’t the same for everyone. So, if you need more electricity, you’ll either need to install the bigger-sized solar system or you’ll have to import electricity from the grid which is a bit expensive. For this purpose, time of use tariffs is best.


Let’s see what time of use and flat rate electricity means and which one is better.


Comparison Between Flat Rate Electricity and Time of Use Tariff


Staying connected to the grid assures you that you will not be deprived of electricity at any instant. Whenever your panels aren’t working well, you can draw electricity from the grid to meet your energy requirements. Two types of tariffs are there in this regard.

  • A flat Rate Tariff means you just need to pay a specific amount per kilowatt of power taken from the national grid.
  • The time of use tariff makes you pay for each kilowatt of power taken from the grid with respect to time. It’ll be based on whether you use the power in the morning or during nighttime.

If we compare the two, we’ll get to know that time of use tariff is suitable to be used in the winter season because the sun isn’t usually out and you have to withdraw electricity from the grid quite often. So, you’ll have to pay the amount with respect to the time slots in which you use that power. On the other hand, a flat rate tariff is suitable for the summer season. The reason is that summer is the best time for solar panels to generate as much electricity as they can. So, you’ll have to withdraw very little electricity from the grid and ultimately, you’ll not have to pay much.


How to know if you’re Using FRET or TOU?


There are some ways which you can use to see whether you’re using time of use tariff or flat rate tariff. For that, you just need to take a look at your electricity bill where everything is mentioned regarding this. Moreover, you can also ask your electricity retailer about whether you’re using a Flat Rate Tariff or Time of use tariff. He will not only let you know about it but will also tell you which one is better among these and what appliances are suitable to be used for both these tariffs.


Want to talk to Australia’s most trusted Solar retailer?


At AusPac Solar, we think it’s important to provide our customers with the highest quality Solar System Installation and electrical work that come with the promise of ongoing servicing and maintenance support.

If you would like to discuss any of the points above or you are just wanting to engage with a genuine, customer-focused solar company that will deliver a solar installation at a fair and reasonable price, give our friendly team a call on 1300 197 237 or contact us here and one of our solar experts will be in touch.

Tips to Survive a Long-Distance Move

You'll need some amazing long distance moving advice to make it happen, whether you're moving to a new country or just a few hundred miles away. You won't have to worry about missing a beat from the minute you find out you're moving to the day your goods are delivered to your new house. For some relocations, all you have to do is throw your possessions in the back of a van and drive. A long-distance move, on the opposite hand, necessitates a good deal of preparation. The long distance moving advice listed below will assist you in remembering everything you need to do ahead of time to ensure a smooth transition. 

  • Hiring Perfect Team Of Movers & Packers

Make sure you select the most reliable and trustworthy moving company possible after getting a few in-home estimates and comparing pricing. Though cost is a crucial consideration, keep in mind that the cheapest option isn't always the best. When you're trying to relocate thousands of miles away, you don't want to get caught in a moving scam. If you are unsure how to choose a moving company you must ask the most significant questions to removalists before finalizing them. Professional and experienced movers and packers will make your move much easier, smooth, comfortable and hassle-free.


  • Begin Planning As And When You Decide To Move

You're preparing to relocate hundreds or thousands of miles away from the place where you have been residing for years with everything you possess. Such a massive undertaking necessitates a strategy! You should note down every moving-related job you need to complete, whether you like to go with the flow or want to keep track of everything in a spreadsheet. We understand that's a lot to handle, so we recommend you to prepare a moving checklist for each step of your relocation process. This checklist will not only help you to remember all the things you need to carry at your new place but also eliminate chaos and mismanagement. 

  • Stick To The Plan & Schedules Strictly

Once the move is planned and scheduled, it's time to stick to it. Utility installation and school registration are time-sensitive tasks, so you don't want to be racing at the last minute to do everything. To avoid forgetting what you need to accomplish and when, block off time on your calendar for moving-related tasks or set up phone reminders. If you follow this long-distance moving tip, you'll be ready for a stress-free relocation in no time! Planning your relocation and strictly adhering to them will save your time, efforts and unnecessary expenditure and make your move smooth, comfortable and hassle-free. 

  • Obtain Various In-Home Moving Quotes

You need to do everything you can to discover the appropriate moving company because you're moving such a big distance. Obtaining in-home estimates from at least three different moving firms is an important part of this procedure. Estimates should be scheduled four weeks before your move, but the earlier the better. Don't forget to prepare your home adequately for the in-home estimate to ensure the pricing estimate is as precise as feasible.

  • Prepare A Budget To Save Hundreds Of Dollars

Even if your employer is providing relocation aid, you should begin saving and budgeting for unanticipated moving costs. There are obvious fees, such as flights, hotels, and movers, but there are also costs that you may overlook or underestimate. Sometimes the movers hired by you impose hidden costs on your bill. In order to be prepared for these unexpected expenses and save your dollars and cents you must always prepare a budget and save your money wherever possible.


Whether you are relocating due to a job transfer or a desire to be closer to family and friends. If you've ever relocated locally, long distance moving is simply a larger version of that. You won't have to worry about forgetting anything during your long-distance relocation if you keep these long-distance moving recommendations in mind. This guide will make your moving journey easy. To make your move more smooth and relax during the process, get in touch with us and acquire professional help.

Mitos sobre energia renovável

No início do século 21, temos muitas oportunidades de aprender mais sobre o mundo ao nosso redor. Também podemos assistir a programas de TV voltados para nossos interesses.

Nesta era de transição, é difícil imaginar uma época em que os combustíveis fósseis fossem a principal fonte de energia. Em vez disso, estamos atualmente presos a um mundo de 2 anos que depende de fontes de energia renováveis.


Ainda não estamos convencidos de que precisamos abandonar o velho rebocador que conhecemos e amamos.

Dentre todas as incertezas, existem vários mitos sobre as energias renováveis. Neste artigo, vamos desmascarar alguns desses mitos e informações incorretas.

O carvão é a indústria mais suja da América e é responsável por uma parte significativa da poluição do ar do país. Além do dióxido de enxofre, também produz poluição por partículas e contribui para grande parte das emissões de gases de efeito estufa do país.

Apesar de todos os seus males, o carvão ainda continua sendo um componente vital da produção global de energia. Infelizmente, ainda não é viável parar de queimar completamente, e o uso de carvão limpo tem potencial para mitigar a poluição que produz, relata a equipe da Genpower Energy Participações Ltda.

Em vez de queimar os poluentes, essas técnicas de armazenamento e captura são projetadas para evitar que a poluição escape.

Além disso, os ambientalistas apontam que a mineração de carvão ainda é um negócio arriscado que envolve mineração em massa e mudanças ambientais. Eles também acusaram a indústria de lavagem verde.

O carvão limpo não é uma solução para as mudanças climáticas. Em vez disso, é uma fonte de energia que pode se tornar uma fonte de energia mais limpa no futuro.

Carros de corrida movidos a energia solar e caças a jato não são novidade, mas geralmente não são tão poderosos quanto o sol.

Em primeiro lugar, apesar do exagero sobre a capacidade da energia solar de recarregar nossos aparelhos eletrônicos e roupas íntimas verdes felpudas, muitos ainda acreditam que pequenos passos não podem fazer a diferença. Na realidade, pequenas mudanças podem fazer uma grande diferença.

Embora a energia fotovoltaica não possa resolver todos os nossos problemas de energia, ela ainda pode servir como uma grande fonte de energia para o futuro.

O Departamento de Energia dos Estados Unidos estimou que uma área de 160 quilômetros quadrados em Nevada poderia fornecer ao país eletricidade suficiente para abastecer todas as residências. Divida e você verá que a produção total de células solares é equivalente a 17 x 17 milhas, de acordo com Genpower Energy Participações Ltda.

Até 2025, espera-se que a indústria solar dos EUA alcance US $ 10- $ 15 bilhões em vendas anuais. Em 2027, a eletricidade solar terá compensado 11,02 milhões de toneladas de emissões de gases de efeito estufa.

A energia eólica tem muitos detratores. Algumas delas incluem sua reputação de ser muito barulhento e ineficiente, bem como seus efeitos sobre o meio ambiente.

As turbinas eólicas são responsáveis ​​pela morte de milhares de pássaros anualmente, mas a poluição e outras atividades humanas também são responsáveis ​​pela morte de centenas de milhares de pássaros.

Mesmo sem o grito de morte de milhares de pássaros, as turbinas eólicas ainda são consideradas um incômodo. De acordo com o Departamento de Energia dos EUA, se você estiver perto de um parque eólico e as pás fizerem um clique alto, não será tão alto quanto um balcão de cozinha em funcionamento.

Embora os parques eólicos geralmente devolvam a energia usada em sua operação, os custos do dia-a-dia são mais elevados devido aos padrões climáticos variáveis ​​que podem afetar a operação das turbinas eólicas. A energia de reserva também é necessária para evitar a perda de energia, mostra Genpower Energy Participações Ltda.

A energia eólica tem uma grande promessa para o futuro, tanto para o meio ambiente quanto para o bolso. Em 2005, um estudo descobriu que o acréscimo de energia eólica reduziria a conta de luz do cliente em 30%.

Lembra do sutiã com painel solar que saiu na página três deste artigo? Em caso afirmativo, imagine se você pudesse obter um gratuitamente.

Os críticos da energia eólica e solar argumentam que investir nessas tecnologias não é menos tolo, pois é uma forma de impulsionar artificialmente o modelo de energia.

Além da energia eólica e solar, a maioria das fontes de energia também é incentivada pelo governo.

Em 2007, os EUA forneceram mais de US $ 2 bilhões em subsídios para energia eólica, solar e geotérmica. Eles também gastaram mais de US $ 845 milhões em carvão e energia nuclear.

Na proa do Combustível Fóssil está a Energia Renovável dos EUA.

Em 2007, os combustíveis fósseis dominaram a produção de eletricidade dos Estados Unidos, respondendo por quase um terço da produção total do país. Apesar disso, as fontes renováveis ​​forneceram apenas uma porção 

relativamente pequena do fornecimento de eletricidade.

Mesmo que as fontes renováveis ​​nunca pudessem substituir os combustíveis fósseis, elas ainda deveriam ser consideradas parte integrante da solução para o aquecimento global.

Embora os sutiãs movidos a energia solar não sejam ideais para salvar o planeta, eles ainda são pequenos passos em um esforço para promover a energia renovável. Quanto à dependência de combustíveis fósseis, ainda faz parte de um esforço maior para reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa, de acordo com Genpower Energy Participações Ltda.

A transição de um navio para o outro pode levar muito tempo. Mesmo para aqueles de nós que estão acostumados a viver com os dois, pode ser um desafio abrir mão de alguns de nossos bens mais valiosos.

Leia mais: Leilão de Energia Renovável: Entenda a Demanda! 


Best Way To Select The Removalist For Your Next Move

Moving house comes under the category of one of the stressful events of life. And it is not easy to choose the removalists that can fulfil all your demands and will work according to your directions.  


We all might encounter one such removalist that lacks desired skills, being late on moving dates, directing customers with hidden costs, being rough with the belongings and other things like this. But the poor customer service is no longer accepted by the users, and they move to another reliable removalist company



So what are the things that you need to confirm before hiring professional removalists?


Here we will describe some of the best points that you need to consider while hiring professional moving services.   


Be Aware With The Cheap Rates


It is very important that you don't get in the trap of cheap rates and compromises with quality service. If you see that they are offering ultra-cheap rates for the service, then it would be better to go with some budget-friendly moving services that can deliver you quality service. You should check whether their stated quote is inclusive of all types of tax or not. Did they describe the number of people who will be coming to complete your work? The service cost should be fair and according to the industry. You should clearly understand each of the mentioned charges to get the right service under your budget. 


Go Through Their Online Reviews


It will help you if you will check what other people are saying about the company you are going to hire. For this, you can use social media platforms. If you notice that most of the reviews are bad or not satisfactory, then it would be best to move to another removalist company. 


Check Terms And Conditions


Before hiring any professional, you should check terms and conditions properly so that no argument can arise in the end. Just have a glance at their policies to get the idea that you are hiring a fair and recognized removalists company. 


Guarantee Support


The job you are going to experience must be guaranteed against damage. A reliable, professional company will offer you repair or replacement if any type of damage occurs during the moving process. If the moving company is able to answer you about the damage guarantee, then you should consider hiring them. You should not risk your valuable treasures just for the sake of saving some money. 




Moving Company Should Be Able To Handle Your Move Size


You should discuss your requirement with the selected moving company. The details about the stuff and type of moving should be discussed so that they can provide you with exact information from their side. They should be having the adequate size of moving truck with themself so that all your objects can be transported easily from the old place to the new address. 


Like this, there are some more tips that you should consider. You can check out more tips on our 10 Questions That Every Client Should Ask Removalist Company blog. 


Harry The Mover Melbourne aims to offer the best moving service under your budget. We are known for providing reliable and timely moving services. Get in touch with us for more information.  

Long-distance Moving Tips to Prepare For Your Move


There are some moves where you can just pack your bags and throw them in a van and move, but while making a long-distance move you need to plan everything and stick to it in order to avoid chaos, stress and mismanagement as they all come simultaneously. But you do not have to worry when you have professionals like Pro Removalists Adelaide to move and pack your belongings. Here are a few attractive tips that can help you accomplish a successful long-distance move. 



The most important thing while making a long-distance move is to plan everything in advance. You must start planning everything at least 4-6 weeks prior to the move. You should start writing every task associated with the move in order to accomplish everything as per the plan otherwise you would have to juggle up at the last moment.  

  • Sticking to the Schedule - 

As for now, you have got a plan now. The main thing is to adhere to it without any delay. If you don’t stick to the plan all the days before moving you have to bear the consequences of chaos at the last minute. Accomplishing all the tasks as per plan can make your move smooth and stress-free.

  •  Hiring reputable and expert Removalists-  

This is one of the most critical decisions related to the long-distance moves. If you fail to hire responsible and professional removalists your whole process of the move will end up stressful and disorganized. It is highly recommended to start searching for expert crew four weeks prior to the move. Also, ask for no-obligation quotes from at least three removal companies in order to have wide options. You can look for their services and prices and finalize the one that best suits your preferences and budget.

  • Purchasing of Moving Indemnity- 

You are advised to have one on one sessions with your agent and thoroughly discuss the belongings that are insured and the ones that are not. Whether you have a lot of valuable possessions or not you must always look for their insurance prior to the move. Usually the moving companies provide limited insurance policies, so you must purchase an inclusive plan in case you have more precious and valuable possessions. 

  • Making a Stock Catalogue- 

Always remember while making a long distance move, your belongings will spread across the cities, states or countries. In that case you will always be worried if everything has reached the destination or not. You must always prepare an inventory list either using a pen and paper or using an app. The list will ease you as you don’t have to look up the possessions reached or not at your new location. You can simply look at the list and cross check your valuable belongings. 

  • Take a moment to Drop-

It is always a wise decision to dump the things you don’t use while making a long distance move. The lesser you take, the cheaper it would be. So if there are things you don’t use now, books you don’t read now, kitchen appliances that have been kept unused since one year, clothes not worn from a long time, it is the best time to donate or give away those things in order to take the necessary and useful items with you.


  • Labeling the Boxes-

It is strongly advised to label your boxes while making a Prepare A Long-Distance Move. Labeling solves two purposes at one time. While making a long distance move chances of boxes delivered on the wrong address increases sometimes. You must label the boxes with your names and even phone numbers on the ones that have valuable possessions in it. In case it is delivered to the wrong address you can get it back. Also when you label the boxes with the purpose of items kept in it like kitchen, living room, etc it is easier for you to find them while unpacking and arranging at the new location.  

  • Off Season Move- 

Almost all the people move during the summer season which is the most expensive season to move. You should try to move off season and this could save you hundreds of dollars. And if it's not possible try to move on weekdays or middle of the month to save a few dollars. Saving is the most essential part in a long distance move as you have to pay for the new house and manage other expenses to settle at a new place. 

  • Triple Check Your Valuables before Movers Depart- 

As you created an inventory list of all your essentials, make sure to double or triple check your belongings with that list before the movers leave from the new location. In this way, the movers can easily figure out in case anything is missing. 

  • Be Alert of your move-in situations-  

Make sure you are well informed about all the moves in conditions prior to your move. The parking lot at your new location for moving trucks and vans. You should discuss any additional charges to be incurred by the moving companies prior to your move because in case there is no room for parking of moving trucks, they could charge you extra for it. Make sure to reserve freight elevators in case you are moving to a building apartment.  

With all the above long distance moving tips, you can easily make a stress free and smooth move without any worry of forgetting anything. Last but not least if you have a reputed and professional crew of Removalists Adelaide to help you, you just have to relax and without any stress, you can easily relocate to your new location in a short span of time.  

Get Your Off-Grid Solar System Ready for Winter

If you plan to prepare for winter, it’s the best way to extend your off-grid solar system’s life, especially if you’re living in a snowy area where the weather gets extremely cold and there are no signs of the sun coming out for days and weeks. So, before the winter season, you must prepare yourself mentally for any kind of situation. Some of the things mentioned below are required for you to take good care of.

  • Tilt Angle of the Panels

In winter, it is a rare sight to see the sun in any part of the day. So, if the sun comes out, your solar panels must be tilted at the best possible angle to generate some power. A suitable tilt angle is all a solar system needs in order to work well and it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your panels depending upon the storage available and the number of sun hours each day in your area. Experts suggest that 15 degrees are the best angle for the panels to perform at their level best.



  • Clean the Panels Regularly

If you’re living in a snowy area, you must clean your panels on a regular basis in order for them to stay away from snow as much as possible because if this isn’t the case, panels will not have enough sunlight to generate the required power which in turn will lead you to import electricity from national grid which is a bit expensive. So, keeping the panels clean is the ultimate way to take care of the efficiency.

  • Off-Grid Batteries 

As far as the batteries are concerned, you may keep them in an area which is a bit cold. Despite the fact that the capacity of batteries becomes less in colder environments, it’s the only option available. Temperature sensors must be used for these batteries in order to keep the batteries charged and not letting them freeze. If the temperature becomes as low as -10 °F, a 50% charged battery will freeze which in turn will cause problems. Also, don’t let the sulfuric acid in the batteries stratify. All these factors will help you in knowing how to use Off-Grid Solar System in colder environments.

How Many Solar Panels are Required in Winter?

In such a season when weather is unpredictable and sun hours are less, it’s a good idea to install as many solar panels as you can afford to keep things going for your home or workplace. The reason is that if you get even a single sunny day in a week, your panels will generate enough power to be used for the entire week but the condition is that you must keep the demand for energy less. Otherwise, you may suffer because of this issue.

Want to talk to Australia’s most trusted Solar retailer?

At AusPac Solar, we think it’s important to provide our customers with the highest quality Solar Panel Installation and electrical work that come with the promise of ongoing servicing and maintenance support.

If you would like to discuss any of the points above or you are just wanting to engage with a genuine, customer-focused solar company that will deliver a solar installation at a fair and reasonable price, give our friendly team a call on 1300 197 237 or contact us here and one of our solar experts will be in touch.

Why You Need to Use Cat Flea Medicine

Cats love to cuddle up to you, rub their fur on your legs and ‘sway’ their tails, arch their backs, curl up at your feet, sleep beside you, and purr to let you know they like your company. They’re elegantly affectionate.

Indeed, cats are the sweetest pets on earth, though they’re not good at learning tricks, unlike dogs. Even if they don’t excel at learning your commands, they’ll certainly win your heart. But what happens when these sweetest pets come with itchy hitchhikers – fleas? Will you freak out and heave your cats away from you! Poor kitties, they ought not to have such treatment. What needs to be dismissed are the freeloaders they have with them.


We’d rather have these pests – hitching for free bloody meals on your cats – wiped off the face of the earth, but that’s easier wished for than done. These hardy pests are hard to kill because of their exoskeleton. They swarm in your cat’s fur like in dangerous armor. Worse, they multiply faster and in greater number than jackrabbits in summer. And when they get too many, they’ll be hanging out all over your house.

These tiny bloodsuckers bring serious harms. They feed on your cat’s blood and may cause anemia and dehydration. Their bites and larvae are so itchy your cat will keep scratching or biting her fur. She might wound her skin and this could develop into an abscess. Fleas can also cause allergic dermatitis. If ingested, they can bring tapeworms in your cat’s belly. Studies show that they even caused the bubonic pandemic.

Though each flea looks so insignificantly small, they are quite terrible as a collective. That is why they have to be blocked. They have to be banned from thriving in your cat’s pelt. No greeting mat for them in your home. Sadly, they’ll always find their way in through your cat, which just can’t stay indoors.


A lot of flea products are sold at pet stores and internet sites. Each has a unique flea-killing feature, from adults to eggs. Some even work as insect growth regulators, monitoring the development of the flea, from the hatched eggs to the adult flea. These flea control products of different, competing brands free your pets of itchiness and free you of distress.

These products come in different forms and have varied functions, but all of them work to cure cats of discomforts and diseases caused by fleas. They include flea collars, dips, powders, sprays, shampoos, spot-on, combs, and oral medicines.

Among these products, it’s the oral medicines that protect your cat from within. Spot-on, sprays, and dips offer immediate relief by killing fleas upon contact, but oral flea medication turns your cat’s blood into flea birth-control soup without poisoning her. No flea could escape the sterilizing toxin running in your cat’s veins.


Flea meds are also not messy and they won’t get you wet, won’t expose your skin to toxins, won’t stain the carpet or upholstery, won’t leave chemical residues in your home.

Regular intake of cat flea meds can effectively protect your cat from severe flea problems. Most flea meds work by attacking the fleas’ ability to reproduce, rendering them unable to lay eggs. That means no next generation bloodsuckers to take the oldies’ place.

There are flea meds for dogs that work by attacking the fleas’ nervous system, paralyzing then killing them. But such flea pills are not available for cats yet.

Cat flea meds have long been proven effective, but nowadays several counterfeit flea meds are flooding the market. That is why most people who have unfortunately purchased knockoffs are filing complaints against the poor legal manufacturers.


However, that shouldn’t stop you from buying cat flea medicines. Just be sure to purchase flea meds only from trusted pet-supply stores.

Genuine flea meds are safe and dead-accurate flea murderers. They are slightly toxic to cats but won’t harm them seriously, just as beer won’t kill any man unless he drinks a six-pack every hour.

Our cats need protection from fleas, but it’s not as simple as that. Cat flea meds should not be used alone however they should be supplemented with other externally applied flea killers for optimum effect. Hire your local Brisbane Flea Control team to save your pets from flea attack.

Read More: Flea Killers What Are They?